July 9, 2015

Smile #60 - Spotted Potential Vin Gogh

Canvas, pumps of paint, brushes and cup of water set up for each seat.  Everyone is dressed in lime green Paint Nite aprons.  Paint Nite is ready for kick off!

Bubble and I bought tickets a few months ago, but we didn't find a painting we would like to learn until recently.  Under the Red Tree caught our eyes.  So unique date on a random Thursday night.  :)

Free hand painting is a daunting task.  No lines to guide, no specific image planned out.  Additionally, both of us haven't painted since elementary school.  This should get very interesting.  :)

The instructor began the class with an oath.  With our hand on the canvas, we repeated after her, "I will not use the following word, my painting sucks, I can't paint, my painting looks horrible."  It gave us a laugh.  :)

We mixed red and blue with our "papa" brush, a thicker brush to paint the sky.  We proceeded down the canvas with section of red, orange, yellow, light blue, coral and finished the ground with teal green.  I felt rather liberated revealing my inner artist self.  :)

Perfect quote to describe our night :)
Class resumed after a moment to replenish our drinks.  This time, we will be using our "mama" brush, a smaller, flatter brush to draw tree stems.  My tree stood staight and high with smaller branches reaching out across the canvas.  I added a few personal touches.  A pair of love birds stood on a branch. At the root blossomed a little dandelion, the perfect companion to the tree. :)

A tall, strong-rooted tree with few short branches rest on Bubble's colorful background.  A cloud of white dashes symbolized a party of birds flying through.  His distinctive 'beer' signature at the corner earned him a few laughs. :)

Looking around the room, all the blank canvases is now multi-colored.  Every painting is slightly different and unique to the painter.

I now present original paintings by Bubble and me.  I'd say our paintings turned out pretty well.  :)  Maybe we are undercover Vin Gogh.  :)

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